Mateja Tomšič Akengen & Ljubica Vitlov Boban
Island Rava, from Friday, 05.07. until Thursday, 11.07.2019.
Retreat of Wholeness is consisted from elements that are already by
themselves a guarantee of deep transformational processes:
The first one is your personal immeasurable potential, which is in your deep
spiritual SELF that you had before being born in this material world. SELF
carries all the memories of experiences, one’s unlimited possibilities,
spiritual essence, mission for this life, experiences, teachings that are
anchored in our subconscious, genetically transferred blockade, fear,
limitations. It is anchoring us in playing roles and repeating limited patterns
in life. In intensive work, such as this Retreat of Wholeness, there will be
transformational processes, which will take off the too small skin, like a
snake. We will get a feel of, and get closer to, who we really are and what
we are capable of.
The second element of this Retreat is being in touch with the environment –
the small paradise on Rava. Dalmatian island bursting with untouched -
almost wild - nature. The Robinson house in cove has intimate ambient, the
island has vibrations of another time, far away from the civilization and
mass tourism. Alone with the sun, sea, plants, long walks on the island and
sometimes a visit from the dolphins.
Yoga teacher Ljubica will, with great care, make sure that every participant
connects again with their own consciousness, breath and body, through
yoga. She will also be in care of a healthy vegetarian nutrition, which will
cleanse the body, so that it can be a healthy carrier and sanctuary for our
Shaman Akengen will assist you in intensive spiritual work. Wide spectrum
of her therapeutic knowledge and understanding of human destiny, soul,
subconscious and nature will be directed on SYNCRONIZING THE
INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL CHARACTER. What we are internally and
what we think we are. What we carry in ourselves and what we show on the
outside. What we can do and what we really do. She works with the whole:
with body, mind, emotions and soul; with past, present and future; with
conscious and unconscious.
We will especially work on the subject of:
- Understanding our inner potentials and personal strength
- What carries our spiritual self; insight into our spiritual being, which
carries our destiny (meditation, rituals, therapeutic shaman
techniques, divination)
- Awakening the communication of the mind/conscious with
subconscious (individual and collective) for input of healthy vibrations
and conditions (joyfulness and passion of exploring life, courage of
action, relaxed self-confidence)
- Rituals for synchronization of our spiritual potential and inner
character with external character (washing of Ori, work with archetype
of energy Esu, processes of elimination of polarity)
- Synchronization of body, mind, emotion, spirit; cleaning of blockade,
that are taken in genetically and with experience; transformational
work with subconscious and energetic field of the body
- Work with archetype energy of cleaning and activating
transformational processes, which will take the too small skin off, like
a snake, and get us closer to who we really are and what we are
capable of
- Processes for getting familiarized with our personal true rhythm and
- Self-confidence and emotional stability as a prerequisite for
expressing our talents
Number of participants is limited.
Price is 590 euro
The price includes transport from port Rava to the house (two-way),
accommodation, food, and program.
Registration is valid with advance payment of 135 euro.